Hah, this question is a real head-scratcher! SVG and MathML are definitely the way to go, though. Those are XML-based all the way. As for the other options, SGML is like the granddaddy of XML, and HTML is more of a distant cousin. But HTMLW Courier Newlr Z? That's just plain ol' nonsense!
I'm gonna go with A and B on this one. Those markup languages are all about that XML life. The other options are just trying to throw us off the scent. Although, I have to say, HTMLW Courier Newlr Z does sound like some sort of futuristic coding language. Maybe the test writers are time travelers?
Easy peasy! SVG and MathML are the correct answers. XML is the foundation for those specifications, so they're a clear choice. As for the other options, SGML is an older markup language, and HTML is well, HTML - not XML-based.
Ah, this is a classic trick question! SVG and MathML are definitely based on XML, but SGML and HTML are not. Though I do wonder why they threw in HTMLW Courier Newlr Z - that's not even a real thing!
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