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WSO2 Exam Enterprise-Integrator-6-Developer Topic 1 Question 56 Discussion

Actual exam question for WSO2's Enterprise-Integrator-6-Developer exam
Question #: 56
Topic #: 1
[All Enterprise-Integrator-6-Developer Questions]

Identify the most suitable extension point to be used to implement the following scenario: At a specific time of the day, you need to read a text file at a specified location and place orders for stocks that are given in the text file.

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Suggested Answer: D

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Ram Charan
2 years ago
Tasks is the correct answer since Tasks allow you to configure scheduled jobs and execute internal and external commands for mediation
upvoted 1 times
Justin Raj S
2 years ago
on specific day/time means we can use cron in task scheduler and read specific file and do file operation means we can utilize file connector. But answer is script mediator. Can anyone please explain?
upvoted 1 times

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