Exam Name: Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Exam
Related Certification(s): Wireshark Certified Network Analyst WCNA Certification
Certification Provider: Wireshark
Number of WCNA practice questions in our database:
100 (updated: Dec. 28, 2024)
Expected WCNA Exam Topics, as suggested by Wireshark :
- Topic 1: Network Analysis and Wireshark Fundamentals: This section of the exam measures the skills of Wireshark Network Analysis Professionals and covers foundational concepts of network analysis, including defining analysis purposes, troubleshooting tasks, and understanding where and when to capture traffic.
- Topic 2: Capture Configuration and Customization: This section covers essential Wireshark configuration skills, including capture filters, global preferences, and time value interpretation aimed at Wireshark Network Security Professionals.
- Topic 3: Statistics and Display Filters: This section measures the ability to interpret trace file statistics, create display filters, and utilize Wireshark's expert system. Professionals must show competency in following streams, reassembling data, and customizing profiles for efficient analysis.
- Topic 4: TCP/IP Protocol Analysis: This section of the exam measures skills of Wireshark Network Analysis and focuses on analyzing fundamental protocols including DNS, ARP, and IP traffic. The emphasis is on understanding basic TCP/IP functionality and multistep resolution processes.
- Topic 5: Transport Layer Protocol Analysis: This domain covers the analysis of ICMP, UDP, and TCP traffic. Candidates must demonstrate expertise in analyzing normal communications and understanding connection establishments.
- Topic 6: Application Protocol Analysis: This section addresses the analysis of various application protocols including DHCP, HTTP, FTP, and email traffic. Professionals must show competency in graphing I/O rates and analyzing protocol-specific problems.
- Topic 7: Wireless and VoIP Analysis: This section focuses on 802.11 WLAN analysis and VoIP fundamentals. Aimed at Wireshark Network Analysts, professionals must demonstrate skills in analyzing signal strength, capturing WLAN traffic, and understanding VoIP traffic flows.
- Topic 8: Performance Analysis and Baselining: This section covers the establishment of normal traffic patterns and the identification of performance problems. The professional must show expertise in baselining protocols and troubleshooting various performance issues.
- Topic 9: Network Forensics and Security: This section covers topics such as network forensics, scanning detection, and analysis of suspicious traffic.
- Topic 10: Command-Line Tools and Advanced Features: This final section covers the effective use of command-line tools including Wireshark.exe and Tshark. Professionals must demonstrate proficiency in command-line analysis.
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