A customer runs a vSphere cluster for hosted desktops with these capabilities:
* It allows end users to use any device to access the environment and to have access to all internal applications.
* The cluster hosts image-processing applications, and the images are processed during off hours.
* The architecture maximized the use of server hardware around the clock.
* The Active Directory Default Group Policy for desktops is set to turn on the screensaver with animation after 5 minutes of inactivity.
* The Active Directory Default Group Policy is applied after a newly-deployed Window 10 desktop is joined to the Active Directory domain.
* The performance data show that during off hours, the virtual desktops are still consuming a significant number of CPU cycles.
Minimize the CPU cycles, what would be VMware's recommendation for screensaver usage in the virtual machine?
Disable screen savers and Window animations in virtual machines. On Linux, if using an X server is not required, disable it. Screen savers, animations, and X servers all consume extra physical CPU resources, potentially affecting consolidation ratios and the performance of other virtual machines.
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