Although an organization has sufficient capacity within the on-premises VMware SDDC, the CTO has decided to evolve the public cloud strategy into a "Right Cloud First" strategy. To support this, the administrator has suggested the use of VMware Aria Automation to provide a consistent portal with a multl- doud service catalog to enable the users to use self-service to deploy workloads into different clouds. The administrator needs to configure cloud accounts for public clouds to support the new strategy.
Which two of the public clouds are supported platforms? (Choose two.)
To support a 'Right Cloud First' strategy with VMware Aria Automation, providing a consistent portal for deploying workloads into different clouds, the administrator needs to configure cloud accounts for supported public clouds. Microsoft Azure (B) and Google Cloud Platform (E) are among the supported platforms that can be integrated with VMware Aria Automation, allowing for the deployment and management of workloads across these diverse cloud environments.
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