LEED-AP-BD-C: LEED AP Building Design + Construction Dumps
Free US Green Building Council LEED-AP-BD+C Exam Dumps
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Question No: 1
Landscape irrigation practices consume large quantities of potable water. By evaluating the project's outdoor water budget and irrigation water demand early in the design process in Water Efficiency Prerequisite, Outdoor Water Use Reduction project teams will be able to
earn Water Efficiency Credit, Water Metering
Answer CExplanation
The intent of the Water Efficiency Prerequisite, Outdoor Water Use Reduction is to reduce outdoor water consumption by either eliminating the need for irrigation or reducing the irrigation demand by at least 30% from the baseline. This prerequisite requires project teams to evaluate the project's outdoor water budget and irrigation water demand using the EPA WaterSense Water Budget Tool or a local equivalent. This will help project teams to estimate and optimize water use in landscape designs by selecting appropriate plant species and irrigation system efficiency.