Minimizing impervious surfaces, protecting soils, and enhancing native vegetation are all strategies that:
These strategies enhance rainwater management by reducing runoff, improving infiltration, and preserving natural hydrological cycles. LEED promotes these approaches in the Sustainable Sites category.
Which of the following standard organizations support requirements for the Minimum Energy Performance Prerequisite and the Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Prerequisite?
ASHRAE sets standards used in LEED prerequisites: ASHRAE 90.1 for energy performance and ASHRAE 62.1 for indoor air quality. These standards guide projects in achieving minimum energy and air quality thresholds required for certification.
Which of the following methods of documentation is used to demonstrate that basic community resources exist within a specified radius of a project?
A site map is required to show the locations of community resources within the specified radius to meet Location and Transportation credits. It visually demonstrates compliance with LEED requirements for access to diverse uses.
Which organization designed the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) measurement scale that rates the effectiveness of air filters?
ASHRAE developed the MERV scale, which rates air filter efficiency in capturing airborne particles. LEED references MERV ratings in Indoor Environmental Quality credits to ensure air quality.
Life-cycle cost analysts of a new construction includes consideration of
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