An office building design has demonstrated reductions in landscape water use of 30% over baseline and indoor water use of 40%. These reductions qualify the project for:
A reduction of 30% in outdoor water use qualifies the project for one point under the Outdoor Water Use Reduction credit, and a 40% reduction in indoor water use qualifies for four points under the Indoor Water Use Reduction credit. LEED awards points for water conservation strategies that significantly reduce the demand for potable water.
Which of the following Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits under the Materials and Resources category would a project team achieve by using insulation material that is cradle-to-cradle V3 Gold certified?
Cradle-to-cradle certification (Gold level) meets the requirements for Material Ingredient Optimization under Option 2. It demonstrates the product's compliance with advanced environmental standards, supporting the LEED focus on transparency and optimization of building materials to minimize their environmental and human health impacts.
A project team is considering implementing a strategy that has previously been awarded as an Innovation credit on another project. Which actions should be followed if the project team wishes to gain formal pre-approval of the same strategy on the new project?
To gain formal pre-approval for a strategy previously awarded as an Innovation credit, the project team must submit a Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) to the Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI). This allows GBCI to evaluate whether the strategy meets the intent of LEED Innovation credits for the specific project context.
What is the reference standard that defines the requirements for LEED energy modeling?
ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G is the reference standard used for energy modeling in LEED projects. It establishes guidelines for baseline building performance and energy simulation comparisons, allowing project teams to demonstrate energy performance improvements relative to code-minimum buildings.
Where must a building's no-smoking signage be posted?
This is the requirement for the Indoor Environmental Quality prerequisite Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control, which applies to all LEED BD+C rating systems. The intent is to prevent or minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces, and ventilation air distribution systems to environmental tobacco smoke. The no-smoking signage must explicitly state the 25 ft. (8 m) limit and communicate the no-smoking policy to occupants.
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