A management method that could be included in a project's site management policy is the use of
The use of electric-powered equipment is a sustainable management method that can be included in a project's site management policy. It helps reduce emissions and pollution associated with gasoline-powered equipment, aligning with LEED's environmental goals.
In developing a site management policy, one effective management method is to use electric-powered equipment instead of gasoline-powered equipment. Electric equipment typically produces fewer emissions and is quieter, contributing to a reduction in air pollution and noise pollution on the site. This practice aligns with LEED's emphasis on reducing environmental impacts and improving the quality of the site and surrounding areas.
Reference: The use of electric-powered equipment as a preferred management method is consistent with the guidelines provided in the LEED AP Operations + Maintenance reference materials, particularly in the context of developing sustainable site management policies. These resources advocate for practices that minimize environmental impact and enhance sustainability.
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