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UiPath-ADPv1 Exam Questions

Exam Name: UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam
Exam Code: UiPath-ADPv1
Related Certification(s): UiPath Certified Professional Automation Developer Professional Certification
Certification Provider: UiPath
Number of UiPath-ADPv1 practice questions in our database: 188 (updated: Jan. 26, 2025)
Expected UiPath-ADPv1 Exam Topics, as suggested by UiPath :
  • Topic 1: UiPath Studio Fundamentals: In this section, the focus is given to the understanding of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) concepts; it covers UiPath Studio and its components, Working with the UiPath user interface, project creation, management, and version control.
  • Topic 2: Design and Development: This section covers designing workflows using sequences, flowcharts, and state machines, building reusable components with libraries, exception handling and debugging techniques, etc.
  • Topic 3: UiPath Activities: In this section, the discussion is related to various UiPath activities for UI interaction, data manipulation, control flow, and more.
  • Topic 4: Debugging and Testing: This section is about utilizing logging and debugging tools and adopting unit testing and test automation strategies.
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6 days ago
Aced the UiPath exam! Pass4Success's practice questions were invaluable. Grateful for the time-saving study approach.
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10 days ago
I am excited to share that I passed the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam. The Pass4Success practice questions were a big help. One question that was challenging asked about the 'Orchestrator' and how to manage assets and queues. I wasn't entirely sure but still passed.
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1 months ago
I'm now UiPath certified! Pass4Success's questions mirrored the real exam. Thanks for the effective preparation.
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1 months ago
Cleared the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam, thanks to Pass4Success practice questions. There was a question on the 'Filter Data Table' activity and how to use it to filter rows based on specific conditions. It was tricky, but I got through it.
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2 months ago
I passed the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam, and I couldn't have done it without the Pass4Success practice questions. One question that puzzled me was about the 'Try Catch' activity and how to handle exceptions properly. I had to think on my feet but succeeded.
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2 months ago
UiPath exam success! Pass4Success's practice tests were key. Appreciate the focused study material that saved me time.
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2 months ago
Just passed the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were a great help. There was a question about the different types of selectors in UiPath and how to use 'Anchor Base' for dynamic elements. It was a bit confusing, but I managed.
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3 months ago
I am thrilled to have passed the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam. The Pass4Success practice questions were invaluable. One question that caught me off guard was about the 'Invoke Workflow' activity and its parameters. I had to recall how to pass arguments correctly.
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3 months ago
Passed my UiPath Certification! Pass4Success's exam questions were incredibly relevant. Thanks for helping me prepare so quickly!
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3 months ago
Successfully passed the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam! The Pass4Success practice questions were spot on. There was a tricky question about debugging techniques, specifically how to use 'Breakpoints' and 'Log Messages' effectively. I wasn't entirely confident but still made it through.
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4 months ago
I passed the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam with flying colors, thanks to Pass4Success practice questions. One challenging question was about the different types of variables in UiPath Studio and their specific use cases. I had to think hard about when to use an 'Array' versus a 'List'.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Wow, UiPath exam was tough but I made it! Pass4Success materials were a lifesaver. Grateful for the efficient study resources.
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4 months ago
Just cleared the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam! The Pass4Success practice questions were a lifesaver. There was a question on how to use the 'For Each' activity in UiPath, specifically in iterating through a DataTable. I wasn't entirely sure about the syntax but still managed to pass.
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5 months ago
Finally, don't forget to review UiPath's best practices for automation development. The exam may ask about optimizing performance and maintainability of your robots.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
I recently passed the UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam, and I must say, the Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One question that stumped me was about the best practices for designing a robust automation workflow. It asked about the importance of modular design and reusability, which I found tricky but managed to get through.
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5 months ago
Just passed the UiPath Certification exam! Pass4Success's practice questions were spot-on. Thanks for the quick prep!
upvoted 0 times


7 months ago
Passed the exam! Lots of questions on REFramework implementation. Study state machine, transactional vs. non-transactional processes, and config files. Pass4Success practice tests were crucial for my success.
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7 months ago
Passed my UiPath exam with flying colors! Pass4Success, your questions were right on target. Couldn't have done it without you!
upvoted 0 times


7 months ago
Success! The exam had several questions on orchestrator assets. Make sure you understand queues, assets, and environment management. Pass4Success materials were a lifesaver for quick preparation.
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8 months ago
UiPath certification achieved! Pass4Success, you're a lifesaver. Your practice tests were nearly identical to the real thing.
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
UiPath certified, thanks to Pass4Success! Your exam prep was concise and effective. Highly recommend for quick study!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Just passed UiPath Certified: UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions. Saved me so much time!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Wow, aced the UiPath exam! Pass4Success materials were incredibly helpful. Grateful for the efficient prep in such a short time.
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9 months ago
Just passed UiPath Certified: UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam! Encountered tricky questions on exception handling. Focus on try-catch blocks and custom exceptions. Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions!
upvoted 0 times

Free UiPath UiPath-ADPv1 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for UiPath-ADPv1 were last updated On Jan. 26, 2025 (see below)

Question #1

Which of the following statements accurately describes the primary components of a State Machine in a workflow?

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Correct Answer: D

A State Machine is a type of automation that uses a finite number of states in its execution. It can go into a state when it is triggered by an activity, and it exits that state when another activity is triggered. A State Machine consists of four primary components:

*States: These are the nodes that represent the possible situations or conditions of the automation. Each state can have one or more activities inside it that define the behavior of the automation in that state. There are two types of states: State and Final State. A State Machine must have one initial state and one or more final states.

*Triggers: These are the events or conditions that cause the automation to enter a state. A trigger can be an activity, a variable, or an argument that is executed or evaluated before entering a state. For example, a Click activity can be a trigger for entering a state that performs some actions after clicking a button.

*Transitions: These are the arrows or branches that connect the states and define the flow of the automation. A transition can have a condition that determines whether the automation can move from one state to another. For example, a Boolean expression can be a condition for a transition that checks if a certain condition is true or false before moving to the next state.

*Actions: These are the activities or sequences that are executed when the automation moves from one state to another. An action can be performed before or after the transition, depending on the type of the transition. For example, a Log Message activity can be an action that logs a message when the automation exits a state.

You can find out more about state machines on the Studio - State Machines - UiPath Documentation Portal or in the official Workflow Foundation documentation.

Question #2

Review the following graphics:

If the automation is executed and Notepad.exe is not running, which Log Message text value is contained in the Output panel?

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Correct Answer: B

The graphics show a UiPath workflow that contains a Try Catch activity with a Type Into activity inside the Try block and a Log Message activity inside the Catch block. The Type Into activity is configured to type ''Typing into Notepad'' into a Notepad window with the selector ''<wnd app='notepad.exe' cls='Notepad' title='Untitled - Notepad' />''. The Log Message activity is configured to log the exception message in the Output panel.

If the automation is executed and Notepad.exe is not running, the Type Into activity will fail to find the target UI element and throw an exception. The exception will be caught by the Catch block and the Log Message activity will log the exception message in the Output panel. The exception message will contain the name of the exception type, which is ApplicationNotFoundException. This exception is thrown when the application that is specified in the selector is not found or not running. Therefore, the Log Message text value that is contained in the Output panel is ApplicationNotFoundException.

The other options are not correct, as they are not the exception type that is thrown by the Type Into activity when the application is not running. Option A is incorrect, because Exception is a generic term for any error or problem that occurs during the execution of a program, not a specific exception type. Option C is incorrect, because Try is not an exception type, but a keyword that marks the beginning of a block of code that may throw an exception. Option D is incorrect, because SelectorNotFoundException is not an exception type, but a possible error message that is displayed when the selector is invalid or does not match any UI element.

Question #3

Which of the following statements accurately describes the primary components of a State Machine in a workflow?

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Correct Answer: D

A State Machine is a type of automation that uses a finite number of states in its execution. It can go into a state when it is triggered by an activity, and it exits that state when another activity is triggered. A State Machine consists of four primary components:

*States: These are the nodes that represent the possible situations or conditions of the automation. Each state can have one or more activities inside it that define the behavior of the automation in that state. There are two types of states: State and Final State. A State Machine must have one initial state and one or more final states.

*Triggers: These are the events or conditions that cause the automation to enter a state. A trigger can be an activity, a variable, or an argument that is executed or evaluated before entering a state. For example, a Click activity can be a trigger for entering a state that performs some actions after clicking a button.

*Transitions: These are the arrows or branches that connect the states and define the flow of the automation. A transition can have a condition that determines whether the automation can move from one state to another. For example, a Boolean expression can be a condition for a transition that checks if a certain condition is true or false before moving to the next state.

*Actions: These are the activities or sequences that are executed when the automation moves from one state to another. An action can be performed before or after the transition, depending on the type of the transition. For example, a Log Message activity can be an action that logs a message when the automation exits a state.

You can find out more about state machines on the Studio - State Machines - UiPath Documentation Portal or in the official Workflow Foundation documentation.

Question #4

In an RPA Testing project, you created the mock "MySequencemock" for the file "MySequence". You have to update "MySequence" and add a Log Message activity and a

Verify Expression activity.

What will happen to "MySequencemock" file when you save the project, assuming that the file is closed?

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Correct Answer: B

A mock file is a copy of a workflow file that is used for testing purposes, where some activities are replaced by mock activities that simulate the expected behavior1. A mock file can be created by selecting Mock workflow under test in the Create Test Case window2. The mock file is stored in the Project > Mocks folder, and it has the same name as the original workflow file, with the suffix ''_mock'' added2. For example, if the original workflow file is named ''MySequence.xaml'', the mock file will be named ''MySequence_mock.xaml''.

When a mock file is created, the changes made in the original workflow file are automatically applied to the mock file when the project is saved2. This means that any new activities or modifications in the original workflow file are reflected in the mock file, except for the activities that are surrounded by mock activities2. The mock activities are not affected by the changes in the original workflow file, and they can only be edited within the mock file2.

Therefore, if you update ''MySequence'' and add a Log Message activity and a Verify Expression activity, and then save the project, the changes will be applied to the mock file, assuming that the file is closed. This means that the mock file will also have the Log Message activity and the Verify Expression activity added, unless they are inside a mock activity

Question #5

When performing Remote Debugging using an Unattended Robot connection, Studio sends the list of project dependencies to the remote robot. From where does the remote robot download the required packages?

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Correct Answer: C

When performing remote debugging using an unattended robot connection, Studio must ensure that the necessary project dependencies (such as activities or libraries) are available to the robot. The unattended robot retrieves these dependencies from external sources. Specifically, the robot downloads the required packages from:

Orchestrator feeds: These are package feeds configured in Orchestrator, such as internal libraries or activities deployed and managed via Orchestrator.

UiPath Official activity feed: This feed includes all the official packages provided by UiPath and is a central repository for activities used in automation projects.

While Studio and its local NuGet cache (as in option A) may store packages locally for the developer, when the project is run remotely, the unattended robot does not access the developer's local cache. Instead, it relies on these external feeds (Orchestrator and UiPath Official activity feed) to ensure consistency and availability of the correct versions of dependencies. Option D is incorrect because the feeds configured in Studio do not directly affect where the robot downloads its dependencies.


UiPath Official Documentation on Remote Debugging

Orchestrator Feeds

UiPath Official Activities Feed

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