What component of the Architecture Repository represents architecture requirements agreed with the Architecture Board?
The Architecture Requirements Repository stores all the requirements that are output of the architecture development cycle, as well as the requirements that are input to the architecture development cycle1. The Architecture Requirements Repository includes the following types of requirements1:
* Stakeholder Requirements: These are the high-level requirements and expectations of the stakeholders, derived from the business drivers, goals, and objectives. They are captured and refined in the Architecture Vision phase and the Requirements Management phase.
* Architecture Requirements: These are the detailed requirements that specify what the architecture must do or deliver to meet the stakeholder requirements. They are derived and refined in the Business, Information Systems, and Technology Architecture phases.
* Implementation and Migration Requirements: These are the detailed requirements that specify what the implementation and migration projects must do or deliver to realize the architecture. They are derived and refined in the Opportunities and Solutions and Migration Planning phases.
The Architecture Requirements Repository is used to manage the architecture requirements throughout the architecture lifecycle, ensuring their traceability, consistency, and compliance1. The Architecture Board is the authority that reviews and approves the architecture requirements, as well as the architecture deliverables and artifacts, as part of the architecture governance process2.
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