Which two statements accurately describe a visualization animation? Choose two
Visualization animations in Tableau can highlight changing patterns in data and can be either simultaneous or sequential:
A . Highlights changing patterns in data:
Visualization animations are designed to highlight changes in data over time or as filters are applied. They help users to see how data trends and patterns evolve.
B . Can be simultaneous or sequential:
Animations in Tableau can be configured to play simultaneously or sequentially. Simultaneous animations play all changes at once, while sequential animations play changes one after the other, allowing for a step-by-step view of data transformations.
Incorrect options:
C . Can be applied to map visualizations: While animations can be applied to map visualizations, the statement is not one of the two correct descriptions of visualization animations as per the question context.
D . Uses the Pages shelf: The Pages shelf is used for creating page animations, which is a different concept from visualization animations.
Tableau's official documentation on animations: Formatting Animations
Which statement accurately describes creating a group by selecting headers in a view?
When creating a group by selecting headers in a Tableau view, the newly created grouped dimension replaces the original dimension field on either the Rows or Columns shelf. This grouping action aggregates the selected headers into a single group, and this new group dimension is automatically placed in the view, replacing the original dimension. This functionality allows for more simplified and customized categorization within the data visualization, enhancing the ability to analyze and interpret data according to specific groupings.
What are two use cases for creating hierarchies from the Data pane? Choose two.
Hierarchies in Tableau are used to define a drill-down path through your data. By creating a hierarchy, you can organize related fields together, which makes it easier to navigate complex data models. This also allows users to explore data at different levels of detail, from the highest level of the hierarchy to the most granular details, simply by clicking to expand and collapse levels of the hierarchy in the view.
You want to provide additional information when hovering over a field in the Data pane as shown in the following exhibit.
What should you configure for the field?
To provide additional information when hovering over a field in the Data pane, as shown in the exhibit, you need to configure a default comment for the field. This comment can be set by right-clicking on the field in the Data pane and selecting 'Default Properties' and then 'Comment.' The text entered as a comment here will then be displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the field in the Data pane.
Which three statements accurately describes the capabilities of dashboard actions? Choose three.
Dashboard actions in Tableau are interactive elements that can be used to create a more dynamic experience. These actions can be set to filter data on the dashboard, highlight specific elements, or even direct the user to a URL when interacting with a visualization. They can be triggered by user interaction such as hover, selection, or accessing a context menu. Moreover, dashboard actions can have multiple source sheets (where the action originates) and target sheets (where the action takes effect), allowing for a complex interactivity between different parts of the dashboard.
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