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Splunk SPLK-2002 Exam Questions

Exam Name: Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect
Exam Code: SPLK-2002
Related Certification(s): Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect Certification
Certification Provider: Splunk
Number of SPLK-2002 practice questions in our database: 160 (updated: Feb. 23, 2025)
Expected SPLK-2002 Exam Topics, as suggested by Splunk :
  • Topic 1: Describe a Deployment Plan/ Define the Deployment Process/ Project Requirements/ Estimate Storage Requirements
  • Topic 2: Identify Critical Information About Environment, Volume, Users, and Requirements/ Apply Checklists and Resources to Aid in Collecting Requirements
  • Topic 3: Infrastructure Planning: Index Design/ Understand Design and Size Indexes/ Identify Relevant Apps/ Infrastructure Planning: Resource Planning
  • Topic 4: List Sizing Considerations/ Identify Disk storage Requirements/ Define Hardware Requirements for Various Splunk Components/ Describe ES Considerations for Sizing and Topology
  • Topic 5: Describe ITSI Considerations for Sizing and Topology/ Describe Security, Privacy, and Integrity Measures/ Clustering Overview/ Identify Storage and Disk Usage Requirements for Indexer Clustering
  • Topic 6: Identify Search Head Clustering Requirements/ Forwarder and Deployment Best Practices/ Identify Best Practices for Forwarder Tier Design
  • Topic 7: Understand Configuration Management for all Splunk Components, Using Splunk Deployment Tools/ Performance Monitoring and Tuning
  • Topic 8: Use limits.conf to Improve Performance/ Use Indexes.conf to Manage Bucket Size/ Tune Props.conf/ Improve Search Performance/ Splunk Troubleshooting Methods and Tools
  • Topic 9: Splunk Diagnostic Resources and Tools/ Clarifying the Problem/ Identify Splunk’s Internal Log Files/ Identify Splunk’s Internal Indexes/ Licensing and Crash Problems
  • Topic 10: License Issues, Crash Issuea/ Configuration Problems, Input Issues, Search Problems, Search Issues, Job Inspector/ Deployment Problems, Forwarding Issues
  • Topic 11: Eployment Server Issues/ Large-Scale Splunk Deployment Overview/ Identify Splunk Server Roles in Clusters/ License Master Configuration in a Clustered Environment
  • Topic 12: Single-Site Indexer Cluster/ Splunk Single-Site Indexer Cluster Configuration/ Multisite Indexer Cluster/ Splunk Multisite Indexer Cluster Overview
  • Topic 13: Multisite Indexer Cluster Configuration/ Cluster Migration and Upgrade Considerations/ Indexer Cluster Management and Administration
  • Topic 14: Indexer Cluster Storage Utilization Options/ Peer Offline and Decommission/ Master App Bundles/ Monitoring Console for Indexer Cluster Environment
  • Topic 15: Search Head Cluster/ Splunk Search Head Cluster Overview/ Search Head Cluster Configuration/ Search Head Cluster Management and Administration/ Search Head Cluster Deployer
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20 days ago
Thanks Pass4Success! Your practice tests were crucial for my Splunk Architect exam success.
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1 months ago
I passed the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam, thanks to Pass4Success practice questions. A challenging question was about single-site indexer clusters. It asked for the best practices in setting up and maintaining a single-site indexer cluster, focusing on replication and search factor settings.
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2 months ago
Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect here! Pass4Success made last-minute studying a breeze.
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3 months ago
Passing the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam was a milestone, and Pass4Success practice questions were very useful. One question that I found difficult was about search head cluster management. It asked how to configure and manage a search head cluster, including dealing with captain elections and member synchronization.
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3 months ago
Pass4Success nailed it with their Splunk Architect exam prep. Passed with flying colors!
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3 months ago
I successfully passed the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam, and Pass4Success practice questions were instrumental. There was a question about clarifying the problem, which required identifying the root cause of an issue by analyzing logs and using diagnostic tools.
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4 months ago
Clearing the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam was made easier with Pass4Success practice questions. One question that puzzled me was about search problems. It asked how to optimize search performance and troubleshoot slow search queries, focusing on search head configurations and search job management.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Splunk Architect certification achieved! Couldn't have done it without Pass4Success's relevant exam questions.
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4 months ago
I passed the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were a big help. A question that caught me off guard was about licensing and crash problems. It asked how to handle license violations and what steps to take if the Splunk instance crashes due to license issues.
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4 months ago
Just finished the exam and passed! Can't thank Pass4Success enough for their comprehensive study materials. Their practice questions really helped me prepare in a short time. Highly recommended!
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5 months ago
Passing the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam was a great achievement, thanks to Pass4Success practice questions. One challenging question involved troubleshooting configuration problems. It asked how to identify and resolve issues with misconfigured props.conf and transforms.conf files.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Aced the Splunk Architect exam! Pass4Success's materials were a lifesaver for quick prep.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Any final advice for exam takers?
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5 months ago
Having just cleared the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam, I can attest to the value of Pass4Success practice questions. There was a tricky question about managing an indexer cluster, specifically focusing on the steps to take when an indexer goes down. It required knowledge of cluster master configurations and peer node status.
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5 months ago
My final advice: focus on real-world scenarios. The exam tests your ability to apply Splunk knowledge to complex enterprise environments. Pass4Success practice questions were invaluable in preparing for this aspect. Good luck to all future Marlas!
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
I recently passed the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam, and I must say, the Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One question that stumped me was about the key components involved in a large-scale Splunk deployment. It asked for the primary considerations when planning such a deployment, including hardware requirements and data ingestion rates.
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Just passed the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions.
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7 months ago
My exam experience was successful as I passed the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam. The topics of Deployment Process and Identifying Critical Information were crucial for the exam. One question that I remember was related to applying checklists and resources to aid in collecting requirements for a Splunk project. It was a bit tricky, but I was able to answer it correctly and pass the exam.
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8 months ago
Just passed the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam! A key focus was on distributed environments. Expect questions on indexer clustering and search head clustering configurations. Study load balancing strategies and high availability setups thoroughly. Thanks to Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions that helped me prepare quickly!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
I passed the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam covered topics like Deployment Plan and Project Requirements. One question that stood out to me was about estimating storage requirements for a Splunk deployment. I wasn't completely sure of the answer, but I managed to pass the exam.
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Free Splunk SPLK-2002 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for SPLK-2002 were last updated On Feb. 23, 2025 (see below)

Question #2

When implementing KV Store Collections in a search head cluster, which of the following considerations is true?

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Question #3

Which of the following is true for indexer cluster knowledge bundles?

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Correct Answer: B

According to the Splunk documentation1, indexer cluster knowledge bundles are the configuration files that the cluster master distributes to the peer nodes as part of the cluster configuration bundle. The knowledge bundles contain the knowledge objects, such as event types, tags, lookups, and so on, that are relevant for indexing and searching the data. The cluster master creates the knowledge bundles by merging the app-name/default and app-name/local directories from the apps that reside on the master node.The cluster master then pushes the knowledge bundles to the peer nodes, where they reside under the $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run directory2. The other options are false because:

Only app-name/local is pushed. This is false because the cluster master pushes both the app-name/default and app-name/local directories, after merging them, to the peer nodes.The app-name/local directory contains the local customizations of the app configuration, while the app-name/default directory contains the default app configuration3.

Only app-name/default is pushed. This is false because the cluster master pushes both the app-name/default and app-name/local directories, after merging them, to the peer nodes.The app-name/default directory contains the default app configuration, while the app-name/local directory contains the local customizations of the app configuration3.

app-name/default and app-name/local are pushed without change. This is false because the cluster master merges the app-name/default and app-name/local directories before pushing them to the peer nodes.This ensures that the peer nodes have the latest and consistent configuration of the apps3.

Question #4

Data for which of the following indexes will count against an ingest-based license?

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Correct Answer: B

Splunk Enterprise licensing is based on the amount of data that is ingested and indexed by the Splunk platform per day1.The data that counts against the license is the data that is stored in the indexes that are visible to the users and searchable by the Splunk software2.The indexes that are visible and searchable by default are the main index and any custom indexes that are created by the users or the apps3.The main index is the default index where Splunk Enterprise stores all data, unless otherwise specified4.

Option B is the correct answer because the data for the main index will count against the ingest-based license, as it is a visible and searchable index by default. Option A is incorrect because the summary index is a special type of index that stores the results of scheduled reports or accelerated data models, which do not count against the license. Option C is incorrect because the _metrics index is an internal index that stores metrics data about the Splunk platform performance, which does not count against the license. Option D is incorrect because the _introspection index is another internal index that stores data about the impact of the Splunk software on the host system, such as CPU, memory, disk, and network usage, which does not count against the license.

1:How Splunk Enterprise licensing works - Splunk Documentation2:What data counts against my license? - Splunk Documentation3: [About indexes and indexers - Splunk Documentation]4: [The main index - Splunk Documentation] : [Summary indexing - Splunk Documentation] : [About metrics indexes - Splunk Documentation] : [About the Monitoring Console - Splunk Documentation]

Question #5

Which instance can not share functionality with the deployer?

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