Given the following set of files, which of the monitor stanzas below will result in Splunk monitoring all of the files ending with .log?
The ellipsis (...) in [monitor:///var/log/.../*.log] allows Splunk to monitor files ending in .log in all nested directories under /var/log/. [Reference: Splunk Docs on monitor stanza syntax]
A log file is being ingested into Splunk, and a few events have no date stamp. How would Splunk first try to determine the missing date of the events?
When events lack a timestamp, Splunk defaults to using the file modification time, which is accessible metadata for parsing time information if no timestamp is present in the log entry. [Reference: Splunk Docs on timestamp recognition]
Which of the following are default Splunk Cloud user roles?
Default Splunk Cloud roles include power, user, and admin, each with unique permissions suitable for common operational and administrative functions. [Reference: Splunk Docs on user roles in Splunk Cloud]
When adding a directory monitor and specifying a sourcetype explicitly, it applies to all files in the directory and subdirectories. If automatic sourcetyping is used, a user can selectively override it in which file on the forwarder?
When a directory monitor is set up with automatic sourcetyping, a user can selectively override the sourcetype assignment by configuring the props.conf file on the forwarder. The props.conf file allows you to define how data should be parsed and processed, including assigning or overriding sourcetypes for specific data inputs.
Splunk Documentation Reference: props.conf configuration
When creating a new index, which of the following is true about archiving expired events?
In Splunk Cloud, expired events can be archived to customer-managed storage solutions, such as on-premises storage. This allows organizations to retain data beyond the standard retention period if needed. [Reference: Splunk Docs on data archiving in Splunk Cloud]
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