What is the limit on the number of properties that an MTS can have?
The correct answer is A. 64.
According to the web search results, the limit on the number of properties that an MTS can have is 64. A property is a key-value pair that you can assign to a dimension of an existing MTS to add more context to the metrics. For example, you can add the property use: QA to the host dimension of your metrics to indicate that the host is used for QA1
Properties are different from dimensions, which are key-value pairs that are sent along with the metrics at the time of ingest. Dimensions, along with the metric name, uniquely identify an MTS. The limit on the number of dimensions per MTS is 362
To learn more about how to use properties and dimensions in Splunk Observability Cloud, you can refer to this documentation2.
1: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/metrics-and-metadata/metrics-dimensions-mts.html#Custom-properties 2: https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/metrics-and-metadata/metrics-dimensions-mts.html
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