Hmm, I'm going to have to go with 'C' on this one. I mean, who would even think that auditors wouldn't care about both financial fraud and asset theft? That's like the whole point of an audit!
I don't know, guys. I feel like this is a trick question. What if the answer is actually 'Neither A nor B' and the auditors are supposed to look for something even shadier?
Honestly, if you can't figure out that options A and B are the correct answers, you might want to consider a career change. Auditing is clearly not your forte.
I mean, come on, it's not rocket science. If the auditors aren't looking at both financial shenanigans and physical asset theft, they're not doing their job properly.
Well, duh! Of course both fraudulent financial reporting and asset misappropriation are relevant for audit purposes. You can't just ignore half the shady stuff companies try to pull.
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