Which service needs to be running on a host to detect a Windows device?
For ServiceNow Discovery to detect a Windows device, the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service needs to be running on the host. WMI is a Windows feature that provides a standardized way to access management information about operating system components and services. Discovery uses WMI to query Windows hosts for information about their hardware, software, and system configuration. SSH is used for Unix-like systems, WinRM is an alternative Windows management protocol, and CIM (Common Information Model) is a cross-platform standard; however, WMI is the primary service used for Windows device discovery.
What operation is shown in this image? (has image took pic)
Without seeing the specific image, it's challenging to definitively identify the operation. However, based on the options provided, if the image shows an operation that involves interpreting or extracting data from a variable, then 'Parse Variable' is the most likely answer. 'Parse Variable' is used in ServiceNow Discovery patterns to analyze and extract data from variables collected during the discovery process. Reference = ServiceNow Discovery documentation, particularly the sections on Discovery Pattern Designer and the various operations that can be used in patterns.
How do you create relationships between Cis in a horizontal pattern?
In ServiceNow Discovery, relationships between Configuration Items (CIs) in a horizontal pattern are created using the 'Create Relation/Reference' operation. This operation allows the pattern to define and establish relationships or references between discovered CIs, based on the information gathered during the discovery process. Options B and C are incorrect as relationships are not automatically created nor is it true that they cannot be created via patterns. Option D, 'Create Connections,' is not a standard operation in this context. Reference = ServiceNow Discovery documentation, specifically the sections on creating and managing horizontal discovery patterns.
During the Port Scan phase what could the Warning level error "No results returned from probe." mean?
During the Port Scan phase in ServiceNow Discovery, the warning level error 'No results returned from probe' typically indicates a connectivity issue. This error often arises when a logical or physical firewall is blocking the connectivity between the MID Server and the target device. This prevents the probe from successfully scanning the ports and returning results. The other options, such as incorrect process classifier configuration, wrong credentials, or incorrect datasource precedence, would generally lead to different types of errors or issues in the discovery process. Reference = ServiceNow Discovery documentation, particularly the sections that deal with troubleshooting Port Scan issues and understanding common errors during Discovery phases.
Which of the following MID Server Parameters cannot be modified through the platform UI?
The MID Server parameters like 'mid.ssh.session_timeout', 'url', and 'mid.windows.management_protocol' can be modified through the ServiceNow platform UI under the MID Server configuration settings. These parameters control various aspects of the MID Server's operation, such as timeout settings for SSH sessions, the URL for the MID Server to communicate with the ServiceNow instance, and the management protocol to use for Windows servers, respectively. The 'name' of the MID Server, however, is not typically a parameter that can be changed through the UI as it is a unique identifier for the MID Server within the ServiceNow instance. Once a MID Server is registered with a name, that name is usually persistent and not intended to be modified through configuration settings.
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