The Compliance User, Risk Manager, and External Auditor are the ones you gotta watch out for. They're the ones who can really create issues. The readers are probably just there to keep the rest of us on our toes, right?
Definitely Compliance User, Risk Manager, and External Auditor. Those are the roles that can really stir things up. The readers are probably just there to keep us entertained with their witty comments.
I'm going with Compliance User, Risk Manager, and External Auditor. Gotta watch out for those people, they're the ones who keep us on our toes. The readers are probably just sipping coffee and judging us.
I disagree. I believe Risk Reader, Compliance User, and Risk Manager are the roles that can create issues because they have the authority to make decisions that may impact the organization's risk management.
Compliance User, Risk Manager, and External Auditor. Those are the real troublemakers in this game. The readers are just there to keep us on our toes, right?
Hmm, I think the Compliance User, Risk Manager, and External Auditor roles are the ones that can cause trouble. The readers are probably just there to make the rest of us feel inadequate.
I'm pretty sure Risk Manager, External Auditor, and Compliance User can create issues. Definitely not the readers though, they just sit back and watch the chaos unfold.
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