Turn mistakes into learning moments, create a trust-based environment, and visualize work are examples of which SAFe Core Value?
Turn mistakes into learning moments. Mistakes are inevitable in complex and uncertain environments, and they provide opportunities for learning and improvement. Instead of blaming or punishing people for making mistakes, the enterprise encourages them to share their learnings, experiment with new ideas, and apply the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust (PDCA) cycle.
Create a trust-based environment. Trust is the foundation of effective collaboration and high performance. The enterprise builds trust by being transparent, honest, supportive, and accountable. It also empowers people to make decisions, take ownership, and self-organize around value delivery.
Which of the following roles is responsible for prioritizing the Agile Team Backlog?
According to SAFe, the Product Owner (PO) is the member of the Agile Team who serves as the customer proxy and is responsible for working with Product Management and other stakeholders to define and prioritize stories in the Team Backlog1.The PO has the primary role of ensuring that the team delivers value to the business and aligns with the Program Backlog2.The PO collaborates with the team, the Scrum Master/Team Coach, and other stakeholders to refine, order, and maintain the Team Backlog3.The PO also participates in PI Planning, Iteration Planning, System Demo, and Inspect and Adapt events4.Reference:Product Owner - Scaled Agile Framework,Team Backlog - Scaled Agile Framework,SAFe for Teams - Know Your Role on an Agile Team | Scaled Agile,Exam Study Guide: SP (6.0) - SAFe Practitioner -- scaledagile.com.
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