The process of Attestation or Certification can be best described as:
The process of Attestation or Certification in the context of Saviynt can be best described as B . Access Reviews. Here's why:
Attestation/Certification: These terms are often used interchangeably in the context of identity governance. They refer to the process of formally reviewing and approving or revoking user access rights.
Access Reviews: This is the broader term that encompasses the entire process of periodically reviewing user access to ensure it is appropriate and aligned with business needs and security policies. Attestation and Certification are specific actions performed within an access review.
Saviynt's Campaigns: Saviynt's campaigns are designed to facilitate and manage access reviews.
Why Other Options Are Less Suitable:
A . Segregation of Duties: SoD is a principle that aims to prevent fraud and errors by dividing critical tasks among different individuals. While access reviews can help enforce SoD, they are not the same thing.
C . Access Request: This is the process of requesting access to resources, which is a separate process from reviewing existing access.
D . Application Onboarding: This is the process of integrating an application into Saviynt, which is a prerequisite for access reviews but not the review process itself.
In conclusion: Attestation or Certification, as performed within Saviynt campaigns, are integral parts of the broader process of Access Reviews, which aim to ensure that user access is appropriate, authorized, and aligned with security policies.
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