Jane was managing an AD Group; however, she had to decommission this group and revoke access for all the users.
Which of the following options should be used to perform the above task?
To decommission an AD Group and revoke access for all users, Jane should use D. Entitlement Owner Certification. Here is why:
AD Group as an Entitlement: In Saviynt, an AD Group is typically represented as an Entitlement.
Entitlement Owner Certification: This type of campaign allows the designated owner of an entitlement (in this case, Jane, as the manager of the AD Group) to review and certify who should have access to that entitlement.
Revoking Access: As the Entitlement Owner, Jane can use the certification campaign to:
Review the list of users: See all users who are currently members of the AD Group.
Revoke access for all users: Mark all users for removal from the group.
Decommissioning the Group: After revoking access for all users through the certification, Jane can then proceed with decommissioning the AD Group itself (either through Saviynt if it manages AD group lifecycle or directly in Active Directory).
Why Other Options Are Less Suitable:
A . Segregation of Duties: SoD is a principle, not a specific action for revoking access.
B . Entitlement Update Rule: While rules can automate some actions, a certification campaign provides a more controlled and auditable way to review and revoke access, especially for a sensitive action like decommissioning a group.
C . Mitigation Control: Mitigation controls are used to manage SoD conflicts, not for revoking access to entitlements.
In conclusion: An Entitlement Owner Certification campaign provides a structured and auditable way for Jane to review the membership of the AD Group, revoke access for all users, and prepare for the group's decommissioning, aligning with best practices for access management.
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