Given a data set with the following characteristics:
50000 observations
200 character variables
In the text below, enter the compression option that will provide the most compression.
Case is ignored and standard SAS syntax rules apply.
T he YES or CHAR setting for the COMPRESS= option uses the RLE compression algorithm. RLE compresses observations by reducing repeated consecutive characters (including blanks) to two-byte or three-byte representations. Therefore, RLE is most often useful for character data that contains repeated blanks. The YES or CHAR setting is also good for compressing numeric data in which most of the values are zero
Given the following scenario:
The SAS libraries LIBRARY and MYLIB are successfully defined in your current SAS session.
There is a SAS Data Set named WORK.GENDERS with a column called MF containing single character values.
The SAS program on the left is submitted and the desired output is shown in the right.
Which statement is true?
Given the following SAS program:
What will be the output from the PRINT Procedure?
The question will ask you to provide a segment of missing code.
Given the following SAS program:
Which segment of code completes the program to use SAS view?
This question will ask you to provide a segment of missing code.
Given data sets ONE and TWO with the same variables, the following SAS program is submitted:
In the text below, complete the following program so that it will produce the same results as the above program:
Case is ignored and standard SAS syntax rules apply.
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