What is the recommended practice when running an interview for empathy? Note: There is 1 correct answer to this question.
IDEO looks on the design-thinking process as a system of____________________, rather than a linear, predictive approach where organizations determine the goals they need to achieve and look for the resources to
enable them to reach their goals.
Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
The ideation process is in line with the__________________view described in the Practice of Entrepreneurship, as it requires general openness to the world and involves using our creative ability to solve problems.
Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
IDEO looks on the design-thinking process as a system of____________________, rather than a linear, predictive approach where organizations determine the goals they need to achieve and look for the resources to
enable them to reach their goals.
Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What is one of the biggest obstacles in trying new things or generating new ideas?
Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
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