What could be reasons that codes appear under the 'Unmapped' category for a SQL-generated dimension structure? Note: There are 3 correct answe rs to this question.
Hmm, I'm thinking B, C, and D. You know, it's like when you're trying to match socks in the dark - the codes just don't line up, and boom, 'Unmapped' city.
Ah, the old 'Unmapped' conundrum. I'd say B, D, and E are the culprits here. Mixing up those internal and external codes, and those leaf node shenanigans - it's a recipe for disaster!
This is a tricky one, but I reckon the answer is B, D, and E. The internal code mismatch, the leaf node description issue, and the leaf node ID problem - that's gotta be it.
I'm going with A, C, and E. If the SQL statement returns the external code but the employee data uses the internal code, that would cause the 'Unmapped' issue. And if the leaf node IDs don't match the data, that would be a problem too.
Hmm, I think it's B and D. The SQL statement returning the internal code and the employee data using the external code would definitely cause the codes to appear under 'Unmapped'. And if the leaf node descriptions don't match the values in the data, that would also lead to the 'Unmapped' category.
I believe it's C and E. When the SQL statement returns the external code and employee data uses the internal code, that can lead to 'Unmapped'. Also, if the leaf node IDs generated via SQL do not match the values returned in the data, it can cause issues.
I think it's actually A and D. The SQL statement returning the external code and employee data using the external code would cause the issue. And if the leaf node descriptions don't match, that's another reason.
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