The average bonus payout amount? What is this, a corporate HR report? I'm pretty sure that's not the kind of info I'm looking for in a rollup report. Let's stick to the financials, folks.
Hah, I bet the exam writer is just trying to trick us with all these options. As long as I remember the basics - budget and spend totals for the divisions and planners - I think I'll be golden. No need to overcomplicate things.
D? Really? Who needs to see the detail of planning decisions for each employee? That's way too much micromanagement if you ask me. Keep it high-level, people!
I agree, B is definitely one of the correct answers. Plus, the sum of budget and spend for each planner in the hierarchy would be super useful too. C is my other choice.
I think the detail of planning decisions for each employee in the hierarchy is not included in the rollup report. It's more about the overall financial picture.
The rollup report should include the sum of budget and total spend for each division, department, or location. That's the key information I need to see in this report.
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