Ah, the age-old Rate Table vs. Lookup Table conundrum. I'm gonna have to go with B on this one - step commission is just begging for a Rate Table. Lookup Tables are for when you need to, you know, look things up. Not for doing math.
This is a real head-scratcher, but I think I'm gonna have to go with B. If you're dealing with step commission, a Rate Table is just the way to go. Lookup Tables are great, but they're not exactly designed for that kind of calculation.
Hmm, this is a tricky one. I'm gonna have to go with B, though. Step commission just seems like the perfect use case for a Rate Table. Lookup Tables are for when you need to, well, look things up.
This is a tough one, but I'm gonna go with B. Step commission just screams 'Rate Table' to me. Lookup Tables are great, but they don't have the same flexibility for those step-based calculations.
C is my pick. If you're using a Variable, a Rate Table is the way to go. Keeps things nice and flexible, you know? Lookup Tables are for when you have more rigid requirements.
D seems like the obvious choice here. If the resulting unit type needs to be a percent, a Rate Table is the way to go. Lookup Tables are more for, you know, looking things up - not for generating percentages.
I think I'd go with B. If you're using step commission, a Rate Table is the way to go. Lookup Tables are great for other scenarios, but step commission just calls for a Rate Table.
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