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SAP Exam C_SRM_72 Topic 1 Question 54 Discussion

Actual exam question for SAP's C_SRM_72 exam
Question #: 54
Topic #: 1
[All C_SRM_72 Questions]

Pricing is a method of determining prices using the condition technique. SAP SRM uses Pricing when purchase documents are created. The system automatically determines the gross price and any surcharges and discounts that apply to a specific supplier according to defined conditions.

Which of the following are essential elements of the condition technique?

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Suggested Answer: A, C, D

Pricing consists of the following elements:

Condition Type

A condition type serves to differentiate between prices in the system. You can define a separate condition type for each type of price, surcharge or discount that may arise in your business transactions. The condition type defines, for example, a discount as a fixed amount or as a percentage.

For example, you can apply release-based rebates that depend on former spend or volume, based on historical spend and not on a single purchase order. Therefore, you can assign a condition where the discounts are based on aggregated release value of the referenced contract or contract hierarchy (if the contract is part of a hierarchy) has been introduced. You can also define group conditions with which scales are used in several items of a purchase order.

Calculation Schema

The calculation schema describes a sequence of condition types that are used to determine prices. In SAP SRM, the calculation schema 0100 is defined as default. You can modify this and add your own condition types.

Access Sequence

An access sequence is a search strategy with which the system looks for valid data for a specific condition type. You can define an access sequence for each condition type. In SAP SRM, the access sequences are predefined.

Condition Table

A condition table contains price information on a master data type, for example, on a product master. If you define a product price or a special discount, for example, you create condition records in the relevant condition table.

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