What does the warning sign next to the attributes indicate in the Unique Identifiers section of the Customer Profile view?
In the SAP Customer Data Platform, within the Unique Identifiers section of the Customer Profile view, a warning sign next to attributes typically indicates:
B . It indicates that the values of those attributes are shared with other customer profiles. This warning is used to highlight potential issues with data uniqueness, where the supposed unique identifiers are not exclusive to a single customer profile but are instead found across multiple profiles. This situation could lead to data integrity issues, as unique identifiers are meant to distinguish each customer profile distinctly.
Addressing these warnings is crucial for maintaining the reliability of the customer data, ensuring that each profile is uniquely and accurately identified within the platform.
SAP Customer Data Platform user documentation on managing customer profiles and understanding the significance of unique identifiers.
Best practices for data management within the SAP Customer Data Platform, with a focus on maintaining the uniqueness of customer identifiers.
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