Number of IPQ-499 practice questions in our database:324
(updated: 30-07-2024)
Expected IPQ-499 Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :
Topic 1: Review and Discuss Shared Catalog Implementation Choices and Best Practices/ Understand Product Modeling Principles and Guidelines
Topic 2: Explore Alternative Solutions to the Challenge and Learn Implementation Trade-Offs and Best Practices/ Build Product Models Based on Marketing Requirements
Topic 3: Build Product Relationships to Recommend, Exclude, or Require Other Products/ Review and Discuss Product Modeling Design Choices and Best Practices
Topic 4: Review and Discuss Rules Implementation Choices and Best Practices/ Create Product Object Types and Practice Using the Inheritance Architecture
Topic 5: Review and Discuss Pricing Implementation Choices and Best Practices/ Create Products and Product Bundles, and Practice Using Product Cardinality
Topic 6: Review and Discuss Promotion Implementation Choices and Best Practices/ Build Various Pricing Strategies such as Base Pricing and Bundled Pricing
Topic 7: Create Advanced Rules Based on Context and Product Attributes/ Work with Product Attribute Metadata and Override Attribute Defaults
Topic 8: Present Your Challenge Solution, Tallying All of the Requirements That Were Met, and Score Your Solution/ Build and Apply a Promotion to an Existing Product Bundle
Topic 9: Practice Using Rules to Enforce Product Marketing Requirements/ Practice Adjusting Product Cardinality and Pricing
Topic 10: Create Advanced Rules to Auto-Add Products to the Cart/ Build Context Rules and Specify Rule Conditions
Topic 11: Create Price List Entries and Price Lists/ Practice Documenting Product Models/ Industry CPQ Challenge Solution Showcase
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My exam experience was successful as I passed the Salesforce Design and Build a Working Industries CPQ Solution exam with the assistance of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam included topics like Alternative Solutions to the Challenge and Implementation Trade-Offs, along with Product Models Based on Marketing Requirements. One question that I remember was about exploring alternative solutions to a specific challenge and the best practices to consider. Despite some uncertainty, I was able to pass the exam.
I recently passed the Salesforce Design and Build a Working Industries CPQ Solution exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam covered topics such as Shared Catalog Implementation Choices and Best Practices, as well as Product Modeling Principles and Guidelines. One question that stood out to me was related to building product models based on marketing requirements. I wasn't completely sure of the answer, but I managed to pass the exam.
The exam had several questions on integration and data management. Know how to handle external pricing data and product information. I'm grateful for Pass4Success's comprehensive coverage of these topics, which made a difference in my exam performance.
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Note: Premium Questions for IPQ-499 were last updated On
30-07-2024 (see below)
6 months agoJettie
7 months agoZita
7 months agoCiara
7 months agoJennie
7 months agoSabine
8 months agoSage
8 months agoShizue
10 months ago