I know this one! It's Curiosity and Surprise. Hackers love to exploit our natural human tendency to click on shiny things, Beckien if they're, you know, malware-y.
Easy peasy, it's C and D. Fear and Rewards. Scare people into clicking, then dangle a carrot in front of them. Classic manipulation tactics, straight out of the supervillain handbook.
I'm going with Fear and Rewards. Fear of consequences, and the promise of easy money or free stuff? That's a deadly combination, like peanut butter and chocolate for cyber thieves.
Gotta be Fear and Surprise. Those hackers are masters of the jump scare - one minute you're browsing kitten videos, the next minute your bank account is empty!
C'mon, of course it's Fear and Curiosity! Criminals love to prey on our insecurities and sense of wonder. Who doesn't love a good phishing email, right?
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