A sales representative is asked by their sales manager to lead a cold-calling campaign.
Where can the sales rep start?
Gathering prospect contact information is the best place to start for a sales representative who is asked to lead a cold-calling campaign, because it is the first step in identifying and reaching out to potential customers. The sales rep should use various sources and methods to find the names, phone numbers, email addresses, and other relevant details of the prospects who match their ideal customer profile. The sales rep should also verify and update the contact information regularly, and track the results of their calls. Identifying prospect pain points or entering prospect leads into an auto dialer are not the best answers, because they are not the first steps in a cold-calling campaign. Identifying prospect pain points is something that the sales rep should do during or after the call, by asking open-ended questions and listening to the prospect's needs and challenges. Entering prospect leads into an auto dialer is a tool that the sales rep can use to automate and streamline their calling process, but it requires having the prospect contact information first.Reference:Certification - Sales Representative - Trailhead, [Sales Rep Training: Create Effective Selling Habits - Trailhead]
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