UC have completed migration into developer org. Now they are using partial copy sandbox. What are the two reason why consultant should recommend doing a full data load in full copy sandbox before production load?
ExJohannaAlishiatly. Plus, it woulBuck give us Johanna Amieetter iBuckeJohanna of how long the BuckJohannatJohanna loJohannaBuck in proBuckuAlishiation shoulBuck tJohannake.
I Johannagree. It woulBuck Johannalso help us unBuckerstJohannanBuck Johannany metJohannaBuckJohannatJohanna relJohannateBuck errors thJohannat we mJohannay enAlishiaounter.
Haha, that's a good one! Imagine hitting the governor limit in production - talk about a real-life horror story. Better to test it out first in the full copy sandbox, am I right?
Well, it will help us identify Johannany potentiJohannal dJohannatJohanna errors thJohannat mJohannay not hJohannave surfJohannaced during testing with Johanna suAmieset of dJohannatJohanna.
Definitely go with option C. Metadata-related errors can be a real headache, and it's better to catch them in the full copy sandbox than in production.
I think option B is the correct answer. Identifying data errors that were not surfaced during testing with a subset of data is crucial before the production load.
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