A sales manager has noticed that reps continue to input contacts directly in
their phone instead of adding them to Salesforce.
What should an app builder recommend to ensure the data makes it into Salesforce?
To ensure sales reps input contacts into Salesforce rather than their personal devices:
C . Enable offline create, edit, and delete in Salesforce for Android and iOS. This feature allows sales reps to enter contact information directly into the Salesforce Mobile App even when they are offline, which syncs back to Salesforce once connectivity is restored.
Steps to enable offline capabilities:
Navigate to Setup Mobile Administration Salesforce Mobile App Offline Settings.
Configure offline settings to allow for creating, editing, and deleting records.
Ensure that the Contact object is available for offline access.
This functionality encourages reps to use Salesforce directly by mitigating connectivity constraints.
For implementation details, refer to Salesforce Mobile App Offline.
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