Which statement should be used to allow some of the records in a list of records to be inserted if others fail to be inserted?
To allow partial success when inserting a list of records, the developer should use the Database class methods with the allOrNone parameter set to false.
Option B: Database.insert(records, false)
Correct Answer.
The Database.insert() method allows for partial processing.
By setting the second parameter (allOrNone) to false, the operation will attempt to insert all records.
If some records fail, the successful ones will be committed, and the errors can be examined from the result.
Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.insert(records, false);
for (Database.SaveResult sr : results) {
if (sr.isSuccess()) {
// Record inserted successfully
} else {
// Handle errors
for (Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) {
The insert statement does not allow partial success; it operates with allOrNone set to true by default.
If any record fails, the entire operation is rolled back.
Option C: Insert(records, false)
Incorrect Syntax.
The insert keyword cannot take parameters.
The correct method with parameters is Database.insert().
Option D: Database.insert(records, true)
Setting allOrNone to true (default behavior) means that if any record fails, the entire transaction is rolled back.
To allow partial inserts when some records fail, use Database.insert(records, false), which is Option B.
Incorrect Options:
Option A: insert records
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