An API client calls one method from an existing API implementation. The API implementation is later updated. What change to the API implementation would require the API client's invocation logic to also be updated?
Correct Answer : When a new required field is added to the method called by the API client
>> Generally, the logic on API clients need to be updated when the API contract breaks.
>> When a new method or a child method is added to an API , the API client does not break as it can still continue to use its existing method. So these two options are out.
>> We are left for two more where 'datatype of the response if changed' and 'a new required field is added'.
>> Changing the datatype of the response does break the API contract. However, the question is insisting on the 'invocation' logic and not about the response handling logic. The API client can still invoke the API successfully and receive the response but the response will have a different datatype for some field.
>> Adding a new required field will break the API's invocation contract. When adding a new required field, the API contract breaks the RAML or API spec agreement that the API client/API consumer and API provider has between them. So this requires the API client invocation logic to also be updated.
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