Northern Trail Outfitters is using a triggered send to send customers their order confirmations. Their commerce platform provides a JSON payload for order details.
What should they use to format the JSON within the email?
I'm not sure why anyone would want to use SSJS when AMPscript is right there. Option A seems like overkill. Let's stick with the platform-native solution.
You know, I bet there's a way to get the JSON payload to do the hokey pokey if you really wanted to. But for this question, I think I'll just go with the boring ol' TransformJSON() option.
Wait, we can use Content Builder to parse JSON? That's news to me. I'm going to have to look into that option D. Sounds like it could be a real time-saver.
I think option B is the way to go. TransformJSON() is specifically designed for this kind of task, and it's part of the AMPscript toolkit that Northern Trail Outfitters is already using.
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