What tool should be used to migrate configurations from sandbox to production when a customer has completed configuring OmniStudio components?
When migrating configurations, especially those related to OmniStudio components from a sandbox to production environment in Salesforce, OmniStudio DataPacks are the recommended tool. OmniStudio DataPacks, part of the Salesforce DevOps toolkit, allow for the bundling and deployment of complex configurations and metadata associated with OmniStudio components. This tool is specifically designed to handle the intricate dependencies and settings of OmniStudio components, ensuring a seamless and error-free migration process. Reference = Salesforce documentation on OmniStudio deployment and migration strategies emphasizes the use of OmniStudio DataPacks for effective configuration migrations. This is outlined in the Salesforce OmniStudio Developer Guide, which provides detailed instructions on using DataPacks for deploying OmniStudio solutions: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.omnistudio.meta/omnistudio/
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