A financial services firm with many high net-worth individuals Is about to implement Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Salesforce Platform. Given the nature of the individuals, they are often required to adhere to financial regulations and civil procedures in regards to their dat
a. This often requires restricting their data processing.
Given that requirement, what are three considerations the financial services firm should be aware of when limiting data processing across these clouds?
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These are three considerations that the financial services firm should be aware of when limiting data processing across these clouds. Removing a data processing restricted contact within Marketing Cloud requires removing the restriction first before removing the contact, as deleting a restricted contact will result in an error message. Exporting relevant customer data on Salesforce Platform so it is retained first before deleting or providing any data is a best practice for complying with data requests or regulations. Restricting data within Marketing Cloud requires contacting a Marketing Cloud account representative, as this feature is not available in the user interface.
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