Create an ansible vault password file called lock.yml with the password reallysafepw in the /home/sandy/ansible directory. In the lock.yml file define two variables. One is pw_dev and the password is 'dev' and the other is pw_mgr and the password is 'mgr' Create a regular file called secret.txt which contains the password for lock.yml.
Create the users in the file usersjist.yml file provided. Do this in a playbook called users.yml located at /home/sandy/ansible. The passwords for these users should be set using the lock.yml file from TASK7. When running the playbook, the lock.yml file should be unlocked with secret.txt file from TASK 7.
All users with the job of 'developer' should be created on the dev hosts, add them to the group devops, their password should be set using the pw_dev variable. Likewise create users with the job of 'manager' on the proxy host and add the users to the group 'managers', their password should be set using the pw_mgr variable.
Create a playbook /home/bob/ansible/timesync.yml that runs on hosts in the webservers host group and does the following:
* Uses the timesync RHEL system role.
* Sets the ntp server to
* Sets the timezone to UTC
Create a playbook that changes the default target on all nodes to multi-user tarqet. Do this in playbook file called target.yml in /home/sandy/ansible
Create an empty encrypted file called myvault.yml in /home/sandy/ansible and set the password to notsafepw. Rekey the password to iwejfj2221.
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