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RedHat EX294 Exam Questions

Exam Name: Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Exam
Exam Code: EX294
Related Certification(s): RedHat Red Hat Certified Engineer RHCE Certification
Certification Provider: RedHat
Actual Exam Duration: 240 Minutes
Number of EX294 practice questions in our database: 35 (updated: Jan. 30, 2025)
Expected EX294 Exam Topics, as suggested by RedHat :
  • Topic 1: Perform all tasks of a Red Hat Certified System Administrator: This exam topic covers the use of essential tools, how to operate running systems, configure local storage, create and configure file systems, deploy, configure, and maintain systems, and oversee users and groups with security.
  • Topic 2: Understand core components of Ansible: The candidates are tested for their knowledge of inventories, Modules, Variables Facts, Loops, Conditional tasks, Plays, Handling task failure, Playbooks, Configuration files, and Roles. Use roles and Ansible Content Collections: In this domain, topics covered include creating roles, installing roles and using them in playbooks, installing Content Collections and using them in playbooks, using a set of related roles, supplementary modules, and other content from content collections to utilize them in a playbook.
  • Topic 3: Install and configure an Ansible control node: In this domain, the topics covered include how to install required packages, how to create a static host inventory file, and create a configuration file.
  • Topic 4: Configure Ansible managed nodes: In this module, the topics covered include how to create and distribute SSH keys to managed nodes, set up privilege escalation on managed nodes, and implement files to managed nodes.
  • Topic 5: Run playbooks with an automated content navigator: In this domain of the exam, topics covered how to run playbooks with an automated content navigator, utilizing an automated content navigator to find new modules in available Ansible Content Collections, and how to utilize them.
  • Topic 6: Create Ansible plays and playbooks: In this domain, topics covered include how to work with commonly used Ansible modules and utilize variables to retrieve the results of running a command.
  • Topic 7: Automate standard RHCSA tasks using Ansible modules that work with: This domain comprises topics such as software packages and repositories, services, firewall rules, file systems, and storage devices.
  • Topic 8: Manage content: In this domain, the topics covered include creating templates to create customized configuration files Use Ansible Vault in playbooks to protect sensitive data.
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2 days ago
Feeling accomplished after passing RHCE. Pass4Success's exam questions were key to my success!
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7 days ago
I passed the RHCE exam, and the practice questions from Pass4Success were a big help. There was a question on working with roles. It asked how to create a role that installs and configures a database server. I was unsure about the directory structure but still managed to pass.
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1 months ago
RHCE certification achieved! Pass4Success's question bank was invaluable for last-minute studying.
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2 months ago
Cleared the RHCE exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were very helpful. One question that puzzled me was about understanding core components of Ansible. It asked to explain the role of 'ansible.cfg' and how to customize it. I wasn't entirely sure about all the options but managed to get through.
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2 months ago
Pass4Success, you're a lifesaver! Your RHCE prep materials helped me pass in record time.
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2 months ago
Just passed the RHCE exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were a great resource. There was a question about scripting administration tasks. It asked how to write a Bash script to automate user creation and set permissions. I was a bit confused about the exact syntax but still succeeded.
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3 months ago
I passed the RHCE exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were invaluable. One question that caught me off guard was about installing and configuring an Ansible control node. It asked how to install Ansible and configure the inventory file. I was a bit unsure about the inventory file format but managed to pass.
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3 months ago
Couldn't believe how similar the actual RHCE questions were to Pass4Success practice tests. Aced it!
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3 months ago
Successfully passed the RHCE exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were a big help. There was a question on performing tasks expected of a Red Hat Certified System Administrator. It asked how to configure a firewall using 'firewalld'. I wasn't confident about the command sequence but still made it through.
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4 months ago
I passed the RHCE exam, thanks to the practice questions from Pass4Success. One challenging question was about configuring Ansible managed nodes. It asked how to set up SSH keys for passwordless authentication between the control node and managed nodes. I was unsure about the exact steps but managed to answer it.
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4 months ago
RHCE exam was tough, but Pass4Success materials made it manageable. Passed on my first try!
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4 months ago
Just cleared the RHCE exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were instrumental in my success. There was a tricky question about creating Ansible plays and playbooks. It asked how to write a playbook that deploys a web server and ensures it's running. I hesitated on the exact handlers to use but still passed.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Thanks to Pass4Success for their relevant exam questions! Their materials really helped me prepare efficiently and pass the RHCE exam.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
I recently passed the RHCE exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, and I must say, the Pass4Success practice questions were a great help. One question that stumped me was about using Ansible modules for system administration tasks. Specifically, it asked how to use the 'yum' module to ensure a package is installed and updated. I wasn't entirely sure of the syntax but managed to get through.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Just passed my RHCE for RHEL 8! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions. Saved me weeks of prep time!
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Passing the RHCE exam was a significant achievement for me, and I owe a part of my success to Pass4Success practice questions. The exam tested my ability to deploy, configure, and maintain systems, as well as my understanding of Ansible roles and content collections. One question that I found particularly challenging was related to conditional tasks in Ansible playbooks. Despite my initial uncertainty, I managed to answer it correctly and pass the exam.
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6 months ago
My experience taking the RHCE exam was challenging but rewarding. With the assistance of Pass4Success practice questions, I was able to successfully demonstrate my knowledge of core components of Ansible, such as inventories, modules, and playbooks. One question that I remember from the exam was about using roles in Ansible Content Collections. It required a deep understanding of how roles are created and utilized in playbooks.
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7 months ago
Just passed the RHCE exam! One key topic was SELinux management. Expect questions on troubleshooting SELinux issues and configuring custom policies. Make sure you understand context labels and booleans. Thanks to Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions that helped me prepare efficiently!
upvoted 0 times


7 months ago
I recently passed the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam covered essential tools, configuring local storage, and overseeing Audrias and groups with security. One question that stood out to me was related to Ansible, specifically about handling task failure. I wasn't completely sure of the answer, but I managed to pass the exam.
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Free RedHat EX294 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for EX294 were last updated On Jan. 30, 2025 (see below)

Question #1

Install and configure ansible

User bob has been created on your control node. Give him the appropriate permissions on the control node. Install the necessary packages to run ansible on the control node.

Create a configuration file /home/bob/ansible/ansible.cfg to meet the following requirements:

* The roles path should include /home/bob/ansible/roles, as well as any other path that may be required for the course of the sample exam.

* The inventory file path is /home/bob/ansible/inventory.

* Ansible should be able to manage 10 hosts at a single time.

* Ansible should connect to all managed nodes using the bob user.

Create an inventory file for the following five nodes:

Configure these nodes to be in an inventory file where node1 is a member of group dev. nodc2 is a member of group test, nodc3 is a member of group proxy, nodc4 and node 5 are members of group prod. Also, prod is a member of group webservers.

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Correct Answer: A

Question #2

Use Ansible Galaxy with a requirements file called /home/admin/ansible/roles/

install.yml to download and install roles to /home/admin/ansible/roles from the

following URLs:

http:// /role1.tar.gz The name of this role should be balancer

http:// /role2.tar.gz The name of this role should be phphello

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Correct Answer: A

Question #3

Install and configure ansible

User bob has been created on your control node. Give him the appropriate permissions on the control node. Install the necessary packages to run ansible on the control node.

Create a configuration file /home/bob/ansible/ansible.cfg to meet the following requirements:

* The roles path should include /home/bob/ansible/roles, as well as any other path that may be required for the course of the sample exam.

* The inventory file path is /home/bob/ansible/inventory.

* Ansible should be able to manage 10 hosts at a single time.

* Ansible should connect to all managed nodes using the bob user.

Create an inventory file for the following five nodes:

Configure these nodes to be in an inventory file where node1 is a member of group dev. nodc2 is a member of group test, nodc3 is a member of group proxy, nodc4 and node 5 are members of group prod. Also, prod is a member of group webservers.

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Correct Answer: A

Question #4

Use Ansible Galaxy with a requirements file called /home/admin/ansible/roles/

install.yml to download and install roles to /home/admin/ansible/roles from the

following URLs:

http:// /role1.tar.gz The name of this role should be balancer

http:// /role2.tar.gz The name of this role should be phphello

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Correct Answer: A

Question #5

Install and configure ansible

User bob has been created on your control node. Give him the appropriate permissions on the control node. Install the necessary packages to run ansible on the control node.

Create a configuration file /home/bob/ansible/ansible.cfg to meet the following requirements:

* The roles path should include /home/bob/ansible/roles, as well as any other path that may be required for the course of the sample exam.

* The inventory file path is /home/bob/ansible/inventory.

* Ansible should be able to manage 10 hosts at a single time.

* Ansible should connect to all managed nodes using the bob user.

Create an inventory file for the following five nodes:

Configure these nodes to be in an inventory file where node1 is a member of group dev. nodc2 is a member of group test, nodc3 is a member of group proxy, nodc4 and node 5 are members of group prod. Also, prod is a member of group webservers.

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Correct Answer: A

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