A system administrator reviews the Status > Tasks tab in the QlikView Management Console which displays a failed reload task. Which two logs are needed to troubleshoot the problem? (Select two )
I'm going with B and E. The task log will have the specific details on what went wrong, and the server event log is always a good place to start when something goes wrong. Besides, who needs the other logs when you've got the 'QlikView WorkOrder Log' - that's where the real magic happens!
Haha, I bet the QlikView WorkOrder Log has some hilarious entries. 'Task failed: User spilled coffee on server.' Anyway, I agree with A and E - that's where I'd look first to troubleshoot this.
Hmm, I'm not sure about this one. I was thinking C) QlikView Document Log and E) QlikView Server Event Log, but I guess the task log makes more sense. Does anyone know if the document log has any useful information for this kind of issue?
I think the right answer is B) QlikView Task Log and E) QlikView Server Event Log. The task log will have details on the failed reload, and the server event log will have any error messages or warnings.
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