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Free PostgreSQL PGCES-02 Exam Dumps

Here you can find all the free questions related with PostgreSQL CE 8 Silver (PGCES-02) exam. You can also find on this page links to recently updated premium files with which you can practice for actual PostgreSQL CE 8 Silver Exam. These premium versions are provided as PGCES-02 exam practice tests, both as desktop software and browser based application, you can use whatever suits your style. Feel free to try the PostgreSQL CE 8 Silver Exam premium files for free, Good luck with your PostgreSQL CE 8 Silver Exam.
Question No: 11


The table 'custom' is defined below. The 'id' column and 'introducer' column are of

INTEGER type, and the 'email' column is of TEXT type.

id | email | introducer ---- +-----------------+-----------2 | | 1 3 | | 2 4 | | 2

Three SQL statements were executed in the following order:

INSERT INTO custom SELECT max(id) + 1, '', 4

FROM custom; UPDATE custom SET introducer = 999 WHERE email = ''; DELETE FROM custom WHERE introducer NOT IN (SELECT id FROM custom); Select the number of rows in the 'custom' table after the execution.

Question No: 12


Table 't1' is defined below. Table 't1' has a column 'id' of type INTEGER, and a column 'name' of type TEXT. t1: The following SQL is executed while client 'A' is connected. BEGIN;

SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id = 2 FOR UPDATE; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE; -- (*) While the second 'SELECT' statement, shown with (*), is being executed, a separate client 'B' connects and executes the following SQL. Select the correct statement about the execution results. UPDATE t1 SET name = 'turtle' WHERE id = 2; Note: the default transaction isolation level is set to 'read committed'.

Question No: 13


The 'sample' table consists of the following data: How many rows are returned by executing the following SQL statement? SELECT DISTINCT ON (data) * FROM sample;

Question No: 14


Table 't1' is defined as follows: CREATE TABLE t1 (value VARCHAR(5)); A set of SQL statements were executed in the following order. Select the number of rows that table 't1' has after execution. BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('AA'); SAVEPOINT point1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('BB'); SAVEPOINT point2; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('CC'); ROLLBACK TO point1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('DD'); END;


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