True or False: In a complex adaptive system, it is usually better to have one best practice instead of patterns of good practices
Your team wants to work in an Agile manner and has been asked to provide a cost estimate for the project even though management recognizes that the requirements will evolve overtime. Which process goal is most likely to offer potential techniques to address this?
Your team has written user stories to capture customer requirements, but they are concerned that the development team does not understand the overall business process. Which process goal is most likely to offer potential techniques to address this?
Your team wants to work in an Agile manner and has been asked to provide a cost estimate for the project even though management recognizes that the requirements will evolve overtime. Which process goal is most likely to offer potential techniques to address this?
Your team wants to better align and work with the people in your marketing department. Which process goal is most likely to offer potential techniques to address this?
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9 months ago