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PMI Exam PMO-CP Topic 7 Question 16 Discussion

Actual exam question for PMI's PMO-CP exam
Question #: 16
Topic #: 7
[All PMO-CP Questions]

During a PMO value assessment meeting, you notice that some PMO stakeholders focus heavily on operational details, such as meeting deadlines, while others appreciate the PMO's strategic contributions. However, some stakeholders seem unable to recognize the PMO's broader value. How does stakeholder maturity influence the perception of PMO value?

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Suggested Answer: B

Mature stakeholders understand and appreciate both tactical and strategic contributions of the PMO. Less mature stakeholders may focus only on operational details, such as meeting deadlines or project metrics, without recognizing broader benefits like alignment with organizational goals.

Stakeholder Engagement and Maturity Models (PMI).

Pulse of the Profession - Insights into stakeholder value perception.

Contribute your Thoughts:

8 days ago
I think stakeholder maturity plays a big role in how they perceive the value of the PMO.
upvoted 0 times
12 days ago
Answer B is spot on. Mature stakeholders can see the big picture value of the PMO, not just the day-to-day stuff.
upvoted 0 times

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