A new component project is approved by the program governance board. The funding for this component project will be provided by an organization different from the organization funding the program.
B) Yes, the program and its components may have different funding sources. This is the most flexible and practical option. Plus, it allows for creativity in securing funding - like crowdsourcing the component projects or something!
D) No, component projects must be funded by program funds. Hmm, I don't know... Seems a bit too restrictive. Maybe the program needs some flexibility in its funding sources?
C) No, the program and the project must be funded by the same organization. That's the only way to ensure proper oversight and accountability, right? Can't have some rogue project funded by a different source!
B) Yes, the program and its components may have different funding sources. Seems logical to me - the program and its components don't have to be funded by the same organization.
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