Your team has written user stories to capture customer requirements, but they are concerned that the development team does not understand the overall business process. Which process goal is most likely to offer potential techniques to address this?
You all are overthinking this. The answer's clearly 'Ensure Production Readiness'. That's where we make sure the devs have everything they need to actually build the thing. No point in exploring scope if they can't even get it out the door, am I right?
Nah, man. 'Enterprise Architecture' is where it's at. That's how we can get a big-picture view of the whole system and make sure everything's aligned. The devs will be able to see the forest, not just the trees.
Hold up, I'm not so sure about that. 'Improve Quality' seems like the better option here. If the devs are struggling with the business process, we need to make sure the final product is up to par, right?
Hmm, this is a tricky one. I think 'Explore Scope' is the way to go. That's where we can really dive into the business process and make sure the dev team understands it, you know?
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