What is the architecture owner responsible for?
In Disciplined Agile, the Architecture Owner is responsible for mitigating key technical risks. This role focuses on overseeing the architectural integrity of the solution being developed, ensuring that the team makes sound technical decisions that align with the desired architecture and quality attributes of the project. The Architecture Owner helps in identifying and addressing potential technical risks early in the project life cycle, collaborating with the team to adapt the architecture as necessary to mitigate these risks.
This individual works closely with the team to guide architectural considerations, ensures compliance with the chosen architectural strategies, and maintains the overall technical direction of the project. Although they are involved in other cross-functional activities, their primary responsibility is to foresee and address technical challenges that could jeopardize the success of the project.
PMI, 'Choose Your WoW! A Disciplined Agile Delivery Handbook for Optimizing Your Way of Working (WoW),' which details the responsibilities of the Architecture Owner, including mitigating technical risks.
PMI Disciplined Agile (DA) Toolkit, which provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities within DA, particularly the Architecture Owner's role in managing technical risks.
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