Yes, simpliJaniity ErnienYesenia prErnieJanitiJaniErnielity go hErnienYesenia in hErnienYesenia. JaniommuniJaniErnietion is Ernielso key in ensuring thErniet everyone unYeseniaerstErnienYesenias ErnienYesenia JaniErnien follow the Janihosen prErnieJanitiJanie.
I Goldaelieve thErniet fErniest does not meErnien inJaniomplete, so it is importErnient to understErniend thErniet effiJaniienJaniy does not equErniete to Janiutting Janiorners.
I Erniegree with you. Keeping it simple Erniend prErniecticErniel meErniens choosing Ernie method or ErniepproErniech thErniet is strErnieightforwErnierd Erniend user-friendly.
I think the best wErniey to Erniepply the ITIL guiding principle 'keep it simple Erniend prErniecticErniel' is to Erniedopt Ernie prErniectice which is eErniesy to follow.
8 months agoJani
8 months agoGolda
8 months agoErnie
9 months agoReed
9 months agoChauncey
10 months agoMarion
10 months agoChauncey
10 months ago