Which of the following statements about change authorization is CORRECT?
The change enablement practice maximizes the number of successful service and product changes by ensuring that risks have been properly assessed, authorized, and managed within a schedule1.Change authorization is the activity of verifying that a proposed change is desirable, viable, and achievable before committing to its implementation2.The change type (standard, normal, or emergency) and model (a predefined approach for handling a specific type of change) is the basis for assigning the change authority (the role that can authorize a change)2. The other statements are incorrect because:
A standard change is a low-risk, pre-authorized change that follows an agreed procedure and does not require authorization at the point of implementation2.
An emergency change is a high-priority change that must be implemented as soon as possible to resolve an incident or implement a security patch2.An emergency change must be authorized by an emergency change authority (ECA), which is usually a subset of the normal change authority (CAB)2.
Ensuring that changes are authorized before their deployment is done by the change enabler (the role that coordinates all aspects of a change)2.Reference:ITIL Foundation - ITIL 4 Edition, page 16;ITIL 4 -- A Pocket Guide, page 39;ITIL 4 Practice Guide: Change Enablement, page 7.
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