Which component(s), if any will Palo Alto Networks host and run when a customer purchases Prisma Cloud Enterprise Edition?
A customer has a requirement to scan serverless functions for vulnerabilities. Which three settings are required to configure serverless scanning? (Choose three )
Which authentication mechanism is supported by Prisma Cloud?
An administrator needs to write a script that automatically deactivates access keys that have not been used for 30 days In which order should the API calls be used to accomplish this task? (Drag the steps into the correct order from the first step to the last.)
An organization wants to be notified immediately to any "High Seventy" alerts for the account group "Clinical Trials" via Slack Which option shows the steps should the organization can use to achieve this goal?
Review this admission control policy:
match[{'msg': msg}] { input.request.operation == 'CREATE' input.request.kind.kind == 'Pod' input.request.resource.resource == 'pods'
input.request.object.spec.containers[_].securityContext.privileged msg := 'Privileged'
Which response to this policy will be achieved when the effect is set to ''block''?
Given this information:
The Console is located at https://prisma-console.mydomain.local The username is: cluster
The password is: password123
The image to scan is: myimage:latest
Which twistcli command should be used to scan a Container for vulnerabilities and display the details about each vulnerability?